
We have 2 terms in our school year and you pay for your music lessons every term. 40 minute individual instrumental lesson once a week (5 month term) cost €1000 (Including 45 minute group theory class once a week). 1 Hour lesson once a week (5 month term) cost €1200 (Including 45 minute group theory class once a week). Orchestra rehearsals for junior and senior students included (orchestral instruments only).

Terms and conditions

Enrollment for private or group lessons requires a completed enrollment form and full payment of tuition fees. All fees must be paid in full on or before your first lesson of the term. Students will not be permitted to the lesson if the full fee is not paid by this date. Standing orders may be set up with the Naas Music School for the full school year only (September-June). Please see the full terms and conditions here. Our Child Protection Policy can be found here.

To enroll, please print out the enrollment form , fill it in and post or scan and email the form to us and transfer the €50 booking fee to our bank account: Bank account name: L’ACADEMIA DI MUSICI IBAN: IE76 BOFI 9012 6379 9385 19 BIC: BOFIIE2D




Attendance Policy

Naas Music School has a strict attendance policy and must be obeyed under all circumstances. Make-up lessons will not be given in the case of a student’s absence without an acceptable reason (i.e if a student is sick, he/she must provide a medical certificate to prove that the student was at a doctor and it has been proven that they are sick). Theory of Music is a compulsory subject. Naas Music School reserves the right to admission

  • Payment must be made for all lessons, whether taken or missed. The school year has 10 months of lessons. Fees are to be paid in 2 installments:
      I installment – 1st week of September – payment is required for 5 months.
      II installment – 1st week of February – payment is required for 5 months.

You will receive an invoice notification ahead of time.